Financial success in your 20s.

There is a wise saying “It is not your fault if you are born poor, but it is your fault if you die one.” The ripe time for financial success is in your 20s. It’s about creating a balance between saving up, investing in yourself, choosing a career, and starting a family.

financial success

The laws of financial success

Understandably, you have a lot of plans in your mind, but what are they for if you don’t execute them? Let us start from scratch. What are the fundamental reasons which keep us from giving life to our plans?

“It’s the art of succeeding financially in life”

The financial choices you make in your 20s have a lasting effect on your future. It is the most crucial time of your life. How do we do that? We’ve all been in search of secrets to financial success. 

Here are some of the ways to set yourself up for financial success. 

1. Make your list of goals

If you don’t know where you are going, then where are you? The first step on the path to success is defining the path, knowing your destinations, and finally shaping it down to the detail of each step of the whole ladder.

list of goals for financial success

It helps you understand and accept where you currently stand, which for some people, I hate to say, is essential to break any sort of fantasies they are living in. Because accepting your current position and defining where your dreams reside makes a fine picturable gap – a gap that we need to fill – a gap which is also known as financial success.

Here are some other ways that might help

So go on, and make a list of your goals and the lifestyle you desire or deserve.

 2. Save up

How can you execute your plans when you don’t have enough resources? I cannot stress this much – DO NOT SLACK ON SAVING UP. Limit a small percentage of your monthly salary just as savings. The average goal should be around 10% -20%. You’ll be much happier in the long run.

The only rule that can keep you confident and within a defined limit is: If you can’t pay for it in cash, you probably cannot afford it. Credit card addiction is real. Impulsively paying for something we can’t afford at the time is not a good move.

It’s tempting to spend your hard-earned money on luxuries, every now and then if your mind counters a debate between should I buy that designer bag or that new phone just think “do you really need it?” I’m sure the answer will be “No”.

3. Clear off bad debt if you want financial success

To move forward we need multiple streams of income – running straight into our accounts, not out of our accounts. Anything that comes with a high-interest tag is a negative impact on your financial success. It straightaway affects your ability to save.

 4. One goal at a time

It is understandable how quickly we want things to happen and how soon we expect results. But things take time. Setting all your focus on one project and driving it to perfection is far better than dividing your focus on multiple projects at the same time. 

There are quite many drawbacks to starting every plan from day one. What if you run out of your resources and you can not flip any of your built assets because they are still in their growing phase?

A better approach is to choose projects that need lesser resources first; that way you will not be putting all your eggs in one basket.

5. Investing for financial success

The earlier you invest the better. Money attracts money. The more time your money sits the less time you have to make more from it. Eliminate short-term debt, build up your savings and start investing.

Investing for financial freedom

Good investments are undoubtedly the best source of financial freedom and fast earnings.



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